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Farming businesses are a significant part of the Estate in the form of tenanted farms as well as the in hand operation. Tenanted farms cover 82% of the Garrowby Estate. The tenancies are a mixture of succession tenancies, allowing generations of a family to remain in occupation for many decades, lifetime tenancies and also fixed term farm business tenancies (FBTs). Around two thirds of the let land is devoted to arable production and one third is grassland, grazed by suckler cows and sheep.
Garrowby Farm
Garrowby Farm encompasses beef, sheep and arable farming. It covers 317 hectares of lowland ground between Bugthorpe and Bishop Wilton. At the forefront of this in-hand operation is the 80 cow pedigree herd, Garrowby Limousins.

Garrowby Limousins
This ancient breed of beef cattle originates from central France. Farm manager Clive Rowland breeds and rears high quality pedigree cattle which, through success at shows and sales, are earning an excellent reputation amongst breeders nationwide.
We have a 180 cow pedigree and commercial suckler herd, comprising 80 high health pedigree cows and 100 commercials.

Arable farming
Land drainage schemes started in the 1980s have transformed former dairy grasslands into productive arable land. We grow crops in a seven year rotation to maximise soil health. This is predominantly cereals and a four year forage ley to produce straw and feed for the livestock enterprises.
55 hectares is dedicated to the arable enterprise and the crops are sold to local traders to produce animal feed, as well as food for human consumption.

Sheep flock
Our sheep flock consists of 700 Texel x Mule and Mule ewes. They produce quality fat, store and breeding lambs. The ewes and lambs predominantly graze the parkland around Garrowby Hall.

Regenerative farming
To create sustainable and resilient agriculture, we are working hard to:
- Boost soil health
- Encourage biodiversity
- Manage flood risk and waterlogging
- Maintain water quality
- Reduce our carbon footprint

Countryside Stewardship
There are Mid-Tier and SFI schemes in place across the farm with options that deliver a wide range of benefits including nesting plots for lapwings, areas of plants for pollinators and hedgerow trees to boost wildlife habitat.

Who We Are
Meet the whole team
Clive Rowland
Farm Manager
During the 20 years that Clive has managed our in-hand farm, he has developed an excellent reputation amongst Limousin cattle breeders for stock quality. He also manages Garrowby Farm's flock of 700 Mule ewes.
With the help of his Assistant Stockman, Pat Shipley, Clive is currently building up the herd of pedigree and commercial Limousin suckler cows to 200. He selects the best of the progeny born on the farm to come into the herd. Clive’s almost encyclopaedic knowledge of the breeding history of the cattle is highly impressive!
Outside work Clive has an active family life and is kept busy with his three growing boys.